Opening the interface editor for an object

For blocks created in →ST→FBD→LD or even →C/C++, it is now possible to view the block interface in an editor.

How to open this interface editor for the block.

  1. Expand the object displayed in the project explorer.

  2. Open the context menu for the displayed sub-level item (= the created block that is displayed with the icon  or ).
    (info) This action is also possible for a function block that is declared in ST and that implements →interfaces and/or that contains →methods.

    However, it is not possible to open the interface editor for the following language elements:

    • interfaces

    • methods

    • →classes

    • derived function blocks (= function blocks using the keyword EXTENDS)

  1. Select the command Edit Interface.

See "Creating the interface in the interface editor" about the possibilities to design the interface.